Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Friday....

..and I can't wait for the weekend. It's been a very long week for sweet Naomi and, thus, a long week for this mommy. I must say that her sickness could have been so much worse and there have been some positives come out of this....Naomi bonded even more with Joel and me. We held her a lot and she let us, which was so sweet and very comforting for us and for her.
She is feeling better, though still very congested and fussy. But thinking back on the week she's had, I'd be a lil cranky too.
Looking forward to weekend where nothing is scheduled and we can relax.
Pullin' for the Louisville Cardinals tonight!!!! CARDS!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Update on Sweet Naomi and her health.....
It seems as of this afternoon the Good Lord has started the healing process!! Naomi was very sick this Am and we went right to our pediatrician when they opened the doors. He was concerned and ran A LOT of tests. She was fit to be tied after 1 1/2 hours of poking, prodding, breathing treatments, pulse ox readers, etc....however, all came back fairly OK...meaning that we did not have to go straight to the hospital for a chest x-ray. We will know more tomorrow through Wednesday as we wait to see if her fever clears.....and if she regains an appetite.

THANK YOU for your prayers. It truly seems as if she is out of the danger zone....still not for sure and she has some concerning issues that we are watching....but we do feel that she is on the mend. Her spirits are much better tonight and she even had the energy to throw a complete tantrum as Joel and the kids left the park tonight :) Most nights, that would obviously need to be dealt with, BUT we were happy that she had the energy to express her love for the park :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Spring!!!

Boy am I glad to see the sunshine and some warmer temperatures around here!! We have been outside as much as possible; riding bikes, walking, running, playing ball, going to the park, etc. We have loved it!!
This morning Joel and I went downtown and ran a was a lil chilly, but good running weather. Nate and Naomi stayed here with their Sue Sue. Naomi has been sick the past 2 1/2 days and we decided it was best for her to stay inside. She is battling some sort of virus - with a fever, congestion, cold, achiness and fatigue. She is so precious, wanting to snuggle all the time. We are loving on her and giving her lots of liquids and medicine.
Nate and I went to a "Cherry Hunt" party today. Our dear friends the Pryors hosted a party for the children to celebrate spring. They really thought of everything; a cherry hunt, a balloon animal maker, lunch (cherry theme), cherry pie and ice cream, cherry kool-aid, and worship songs. Nate had a blast! He also made some new friends and came home with a dragon balloon animal. What more could a 4 year old ask for??
Tonight Nate and I are headed to the circus. We wish Joel and Naomi could join us but she is not well enough to be out right now. Hopefully another good night's rest will bring a better day tomorrow.
Happy Spring!!! (I can't say that enough!!)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March, 2009

April 2, 2004

Growing up....

Hard to believe 5 years ago Joel and I were sitting by the phone waiting the "the call" to let us know he was on his way into the world!!! I had quit my job and was ready to be a stay at home mom. What a whirlwind the Lord brought into our lives....a very exciting whirlwind!! January 13 of 2004 we got a call from our good friend Hollie asking us if we would consider a baby due in MARCH!!? WHAT - 2 months?? WOW, the Lord knows I have NO patience and waiting for anything is a challenge for me, but 2 months to prepare for a BABY??!! Of course we said YES and the journey began as we met our fantabulous birthmom and her sweet family, were chosen to be HIS (that's right, we found IT was a HE) and I quit my most favorite job (up to that point - obviously being home has and will always be a HUGE blessing) and we were off to begin the journey of paperwork, have a home study done and prepare a nursery for our soon-to-be newborn son. 5 years ago today, I had officially been done with work for 2 days, and we were eagerly anticipating Nate's arrival. Every time the phone rang, we got excited and antsy to hear that it was time. Low and behold, he ended up coming at 41 weeks. I look back on that time and see that the Lord blessed his sweet birthmom with an extra week in her womb....
Oh how the Lord taught me patience and HIS timing and provision through the anticipation of a BABY!!
Hard to believe it's been 5 years......and I have loved every moment of it.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Nate Stretching

Naomi and Noah

The Fenwick Four

Naomi and her shades

A Family Run

This weekend starts the Derby festival activities in our city and they had the first leg of the triple crown of road races. Joel and I both enjoyed the run and Nate got to be a part of the kids fun run. Our family came out and we all spent the morning together. Naomi pretty much hung out in the stroller and with her Sue Sue while we all ran. She enjoyed the Panera bagle - her first bread!! Nate had a lot of fun running and watching all the people (10,000 were registered for this race).