Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where to begin......and not sure where to end this post.
Last Tuesday Norah went in for her cleft surgery repair. The surgery itself went just as planned and they were able to close the entire cleft in one surgery for which we were so thankful! She was suppose to spend 23 hours in the hospital then be discharged. However, she had some troubles - both drinking and vomiting. SO, at the 23 hour mark, we were told it would be another night - getting us out on Thanksgiving. In that moment, I was fine with that - being too nervous to take Norah home when she was not feeling well. But, after a few hours of her proving to us she was starting to feel better, I had them page the surgeon to see if we could be discharged that night. It was a longshot, but worth taking I thought. He came by about 8pm and gave us the green light to head home - on some heavy medications. I was thrilled. Me dear friend Heather was there visiting and took us home (in the cold, pouring rain - thank you Heather!!!!)
That might was fairly uneventful for Norah - we set our alarm (OK, I set ME alarm) to give her the medications on schedule and she typically fell right back to sleep. Then comes the screaming and crying from the monitor....Naomi had fallen trying to get out out of bed. Joel knew something was hurt but we could not quite figure out what she had injured. So, like any good parent, we waited.....24 hours!! The next morning, her little collar bone was swolen and we knew we should take her to the ER - off we went. The tech took 2 images and the second was more than obvious that there was a clear fracture. Poor Naomi.....I felt horrible and then explained to the very nice ER doctor about Norah and he was understanding and encouraging that we did nothing wrong by waiting.
Friday evening, Norah started taking a lil turn for the worse - very very fussy and agitated and did.not.sleep.....we were not sure what to think so I called the surgeon the next morning and he assured us that day 3 is by far the worst and she should be slowly improving over the next few days - and as you can tell from the above pictures, she is slowly but surely starting to come around. Thankful is an understatement.

While the house is quiet and the girls are napping, I am off to catch up on laundry and maybe steal a quick nap if I can....
Have a great week
Merry Christmas Season!!!!

1 comment(s):

cute pics lee-anne. so glad things are looking up. i want to help if you need anything.

By Blogger Beth, at 3:53 PM  

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