Friday, September 24, 2010

The men in my life....
Today is a day worth celebrating!!!! Joel is turning 35 and Nate became a "Fenwick" 6 years ago today!! I'll never forget that moment, sitting in the courtroom with our 6 month old precious bundle on our laps. It was highly emotional and we were surrounded by our family as we took an oath and became THE parents of Nater-Bug......God was present in that room, and continues to be the focus of our family. As we have raised Nate (and now 2 sweet girls) our prayer over him has been that he understand and accept the love of Jesus and someday surrender his life to the One who gave His life for him. Nate is such a sweet kid with a heart of gold, an awesome big brother and great athlete. We have been blessed beyond measure!!!!!! There are jewels being prepared in Heaven for his incredible birthmom, whom we have grown to love and cannot wait to see again someday. She has such a heart for Jesus and loves Nate so much. We could not have asked for a more perfect extension of our family. We love you M!!!!!
Joel, my best friend. We have been through the testing as we have added 2 children within 2 years. Life has been crazy, hectic, busy, sleepless, tight budgeted, paper-chasing, a roller coaster of emotions, full of grief as we lost mom, and now as we settle in - full of blessings and hugs and smiles and snuggles (well, and still some stress and tears and sleepless nights, but fewer and fewer as we nestle in). I love you more than I could ever express. You are such a man of God, especially when I am not at my best. Thank you for reflecting His love on our family. I love you.

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