June 8 would have been Naomi Gould's 6th birthday. We celebrated BIG - with all 6 (7 actually) of the babies that have come home through Naomi's Fund. Our dear dear friends, Andy and Julie, threw a big party (along with our friends Brent and Hollie and their awesome pool) and we had a fabulous day. Don't let the picture above fool you - Naomi was happily floating around in her little ring and swimmies and we ripped her out of the pool for a "quick picture" and she wanted nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with it. She wanted back in the water, where she swam for 3 more hours. The sweet boy in the front is home from Taiwan, just 4 weeks ago. His mommy and daddy are smitten for him and now we are too - after hosting them for the weekend. He was all smiles and happy all the time. He has adjusted so beautifully and thankfully is healthy and happy.
Each one of our 3 adoptions have been so different. I guess it is similar to pregnancy - where each one is simply not the same. Nate's was beautiful and very quick and the excitement was enough to carry us through the home study and legal matters. Not to mention his birthmom and family were incredible and the blessings that came from that (and still do) are more than I can put into words on a blog. Naomi's was wonderful in it's own way -the anticipation of a girl, the excitement of being matched and then traveling and her almost immediate bond to us - incredible. Norah's process has been the hardest. We were matched 3 weeks into the process and with the new Hague requirements in place, we cannot hop on the next plane and bring her home. 7 months later we are still waiting on paperwork and will be waiting for several more weeks. Though we are in the final stretch of waiting, it has not been easy. But in all 3 journeys to our beautiful children, God has been there and sanctified us. We know this is His will and we rest in that. When days are hard and sad and frustrating - we rest in His promises and lean on Him for a new day. Our new day, becoming a family of 5, will be here before we know it. For that we are grateful.
1 comment(s):
So greate)) Big family party))
Andrei, at
8:16 AM
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