Monday, June 28, 2010

As we all took the weekend to get better from the lovely summer virus that invaded 3 out of 4 of us, I must admit the downtime was nice. NO plans - except one. Joel and Nate joined the rest of the family to celebrate his MawMaw's 84th birthday. She is such an influential part of Joel's life and means the world to us. Isn't she just glowing in these pictures? She adores her grandkids and great-grandkids. Nate goes just about weekly to visit her and help her out. It's precious to see his heart for her and recognize her needs.
We are all on the mend now and are hoping to get out of this house very soon!! I am finishing up the girls' room this week. It is ALMOST done!! Pictures soon :)
Today our Article 5 was picked up and now are on the FINAL wait for our TRAVEL APPROVAL - then we BOOK OUR TICKETS!!!!! Can you believe it, the final stretch........before you know it, we'll be posting FROM CHINA!!

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